
Every miracle has a process.

If you can understand the process, you can perform the miracle. One truth does not replace another, so healing arts are going to you die. Imagine zero pain with zero disease. We can accomplish that. We have accomplished that

Dr. Steven West, the man behind lymphology, the science that will unify all aspects of healing and wellness. Experience the change in your life as you begin to understand the principles of true health and wellness. Dr. Stephen West, the master healer of the Western hemisphere has risen to become the man to unify all aspects of healing and medicine. Dr. West has perfected his father’s science, the same techniques used to train Tony Robbins will green and many more. Now, Dr. West shares his healing formula with you, you are experience a complete lifestyle change,

Unlock your mind and body with the greatest keys to health and healing. Freedom from the current destruction of pain and disease and achieve success in every aspect of your life and truly live pain free. Introducing powerheal.com by Dr. Steven West D. L P M. D.

My first visit with the Stephen West. I had a immediate result and it was, it was just absolutely wonderful and such a relief. I hurt so bad after the car accident. It is just totally amazing how good I feel now. A few years ago I started having panic attacks every once in a while and it felt like a heart attack. So when I learned about the lymphology, I realized that if I would breathe deeply and if I could get my lymph system moving, it would help. Dave West has assisted in overcoming a life threatening heart condition every day. I’m getting better using these power shield techniques that I learned from Dr. West. Oh, my car didn’t make it, but I did. I was in a car accident about 15 years ago and damaged my shoulder. As Steve worked on me, all of the rest of them came and joined. They said that they could feel the heat just radiating out of my whole body that I was.

I was really glowing. The pain in my shoulder got so intense that I knew I had to do something and so I decided to try. Dr. Stephen West technique and I tried it and immediately I started noticing some changes and a difference and the pain level started to decrease as worked on my arm. I got better range of motion. I was able to the ferry first time probably my arm was about to like to here and then they worked on it again. Steve worked on it just recently made it such that I can move with up to this far without, pain. Knowing him and learning what he teaches is undoubtedly one of the very best things that has happened to me in my lifetime. Because of Steve West’s technique, I was able to avoid surgery. I’m out of pain. I can sleep now at night without having my shoulder hurt if I wasn’t in just the right position. And it freed me up. But I mean I’m, I have a better quality of life because of what Stephen West taught me. I was in tears because they off came with love and surrounded me and they were taking away the pain and giving me an energy ball. All of them were, and I could just feel my whole body tingling and cooling off and the pain was receding. It was so wonderful. Come experience the difference.



史蒂芬·韋斯特(Steven West)博士是淋巴學背後的專家,該科學將統一康復和健康的各個方面。當您開始了解真正的健康原則時,請體驗生活中的變化。西半球的主要治療師斯蒂芬·韋斯特(Stephen West)博士已成為統一治療和醫學各個方面的人。韋斯特博士完善了父親的科學,用於訓練托尼·羅賓斯的技術也將不斷完善。現在,韋斯特博士與您分享他的療愈秘方,您將體驗到徹底的生活方式改變,


在生活的各個方面都取得了成功,並真正實現了無痛生活。由Steven West D. L P M. D.博士介紹powerheal.com。

我第一次訪問Stephen West。我得到了立竿見影的結果,那真是太好了,真是太好了。車禍後,我受瞭如此重的傷。我現在的感覺真令人驚訝。幾年前,我每隔一段時間就開始出現驚恐發作,感覺就像是心髒病發作。因此,當我了解淋巴學時,我意識到,如果我深呼吸,並且能讓淋巴系統運動,那將會有所幫助。 Dave West每天都在協助解決威脅生命的心臟病。從西博士那裡學到的這些電源屏蔽技術使我變得越來越好。哦,我的車沒做到,但我做到了。大約15年前,我在一場車禍中受傷了。當史蒂夫(Steve)為我工作時,所有其他人都加入了。他們說,他們能感覺到剛從我全身散發出來的熱量。

我真的很紅。我肩膀上的疼痛變得非常劇烈,以至於我知道我必須做點什麼,所以我決定嘗試一下。 Stephen West博士的技術使我嘗試了一下,然後我立即開始注意到一些變化和差異,並且隨著手臂的工作,疼痛程度開始減輕。我的運動範圍更好。我第一次能夠渡輪,大概是我的手臂想要在這裡渡船,然後他們又重新努力了。史蒂夫(Steve)最近剛進行了這項工作,因此我可以無痛苦地前進到這一步。認識他並學習他的教導無疑是我一生中發生的最美好的事情之一。由於史蒂夫·韋斯特(Steve West)的技術,我得以避免手術。我很痛苦。如果姿勢不對,我現在可以在晚上睡覺,而不會傷到肩膀。它釋放了我。但是我的意思是,由於斯蒂芬·韋斯特(Stephen West)教給我的東西,我的生活質量得到了改善。我之所以流淚,是因為他們帶著愛而來,包圍了我,他們正在消除痛苦,給了我能量球。所有的人都是,我只是感到全身發麻,發涼,疼痛正在消退。真是太好了。快來體驗一下。

歡迎參與Dr. West 的課程…

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About the Author: Dr. John Chen

Dr. John Chen是美國的自然療法醫生,在香港從事「身心靈」自然醫學逾30多年,專注於使用天然飲食法則回復健康,曾經協助逆轉無數主流醫學認為是絕路的身體情況,迅速完全自然康復。要了解更多,請到 http://醫食會.com 或到此訂閱免費週訊:https://chenpuguang.com/54health